The Danish Energy Agency opens for applications for exploration and CO2 storage near the Danish coast
The Danish Energy Agency has opened applications for companies seeking a license to explore the subsurface for CO₂ storage in designated coastal areas of Denmark. Additionally, the agency invites potential applicants to an information meeting on January 15, 2025. The Danish Energy Agency today opened the fourth licencing round for exploration and use of the […]
CarbonCuts applies for an exploration license in the tender for nearshore CO₂ storage
As announced by the Danish Energy Agency, CarbonCuts can confirm that they are participating in the fourth tender round for permits to explore and utilize the subsurface for geological CO₂ storage. The fourth tender includes nearshore areas in Denmark – off the northern part of Jutland’s west coast. The license areas have been designated by […]
Nio företag lägger bud: Vill lagra koldioxid på land i Danmark
Totalt har nio företag – både danska och utländska – ansökt om att få utreda potentialen för koldioxidlagring i fem utpekade landområden. Det skriver den danska energimyndigheten i ett pressmeddelande. Om det visar sig att ett område uppfyller alla miljökrav och befinns vara lämpligt för lagring av koldioxid kommer företaget med tillstånd i området i […]