In Net Zero Standards we trust – 2025 CDR Market Survey and Sylvera have partnered to accelerate durable carbon dioxide removal (CDR) through transparent data, ratings, and tools. Following the success of their 2024 market reports, they have released an updated outlook for 2025, analyzing key trends and buyer insights. This free resource aims to educate and support all CDR stakeholders.

The 2025 market survey captures the perspectives of durable CDR suppliers and purchasers of durable and nature-based CDR, and reduction credits. This offers insight into how corporate carbon removal strategies are evolving.

While the market for durable removals continues to expand, most purchasers are set to use mixed portfolios. The uncertainty around net-zero standards continues to restrain demand. And high prices remain a significant barrier to wider adoption, with a clear gap between supplier expectations and what most purchasers are willing to pay.


  • Standards: Forthcoming decisions from net-zero standard setters will have substantial consequences for the CDR industry. They were cited as the primary factor to increase motivation to purchase durable removal credits.
  • Portfolios: Purchasers aim to achieve their climate goals with mixed portfolios of reduction and removals, with the latter projected to increase in proportion across both nature-based and durable CDR.
  • Durable CDR Growth: The next five years will be pivotal. Suppliers in the survey anticipate a significant expansion of durable CDR’s share of carbon credit purchases, narrowing the current 6:1 ratio of nature-based to durable CDR to 1.2:1 by 2030.
  • Pricing: Buyers of durable CDR expect to pay less than what sellers anticipate receiving for credits, both today and in future years. However, suppliers (excluding biochar) expect durable CDR prices to decline as much in the next five years as over the following two decades – increasing accessibility and scalability for durable removals.
  • Business Case: Purchasers highlighted the need for a clear business case for durable CDR purchases, both on the financials and to de-risk the supply gap.


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