Net-zero targets: Carbon dioxide removal essential in meeting company


Companies are coming under increasing pressure to set – and meet – climate goals, according to Nasdaq’s 2023 Global Net Zero Pulse survey of 200+ ESG and sustainability professionals, among other respondents, across the globe. The Nasdaq ESG Advisory team conducted the survey to assess the role carbon-removal credits play in corporate net-zero strategies. Corporates are the […]

Forskning: Köpare av kolkrediter har bättre hållbarhetsarbete


Företag som frivilligt engagerar sig i koldioxidmarknaden tar större ansvar och vidtar mer ambitiösa klimatåtgärder – snarare än att bara använda krediter som en metod för att undvika ansvar. Det visar ny forskning. Det skriver Miljö & Utveckling i en artikel 11 oktober 2023. En ny rapport, publicerad av Ecosystem Marketplace, visar i stället att […]

Meet Aker Carbon Capture and Microsoft at THE BioCCUS conference next week!

ACC Microsoft

🌱🌍 Join us at THE #BioCCUS conference next week! Aker Caron Capture’s Director of Carbon Removals, Joel Flitton, Head of Sustainability, Hanne Rolén and Ole Henrik Ree, Industry Lead Energy at Microsoft will be discussing #Collaboration across the value chain to move Scandinavian #BECCS projects from concept to execution. 🤝Joel will also participate in the panel ”BioCCUS challenges and opportunities”. 🌿 📅 Date: 3-4 October, 2023🔗 ️Secure Your […]