New survey shows pricing gap in durable CDR


Insights from the Pricing Survey Pricing data is the most sought-after information in durable carbon dioxide removal (CDR). To address this market need, and OPIS, a Dow Jones Company, partnered to conduct the durable CDR pricing survey. The survey, which targeted purchasers and suppliers of durable CDR, aimed to increase transparency in pricing and support the […]

Council greenlights EU certification framework for permanent carbon removals


Yesterday, the Council gave the final green light to a regulation establishing the first EU-level certification framework for permanent carbon removals, carbon farming and carbon storage in products. This voluntary framework will facilitate and encourage high-quality carbon removal and soil emission reduction activities in the EU, as a complement to sustained emission reductions. The regulation will be the first step in introducing […]

Carl Berglund, Co-Founder & CCO på Nordbex, gästar Klimatpositivt! Nytt avsnitt ute!

Karolina Carl

I detta avsnitt gästas vi av Carl Berglund, Co-Founder & CCO på Nordbex, för en inspirerande diskussion om Carbon Negative Power och hur Bio-CCS kan bli en avgörande del av lösningen på klimatutmaningarna. Carl berättar om de innovativa projekt Nordbex driver just nu och ger oss en djupare förståelse för vad Carbon Negative Power innebär i […] Durable CDR Pricing Survey – Fall 2024 are re-launching the durable CDR Pricing Survey in partnership with OPIS, a Dow Jones Company. >> Find out more and complete the surveys They invite CDR marketplaces, brokers and intermediaries to complete both surveys.

SBTi revising its guidance on carbon removal


The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is in the process of updating its flagship Net-Zero Standard and has released revised terms of reference indicating there will be a new approach to carbon removal. One of the key areas of focus is refining the strategy around carbon removal, or what the organization refers to as “neutralization” in its […]

Standard Chartered Bank and SEB Partner with to Unlock Liquidity in the CDR Market

Standard Chartered Bank and SEB Partner with to Unlock Liquidity in theCarbon Dioxide Removal Market and Drive CORC Production for Corporate Net-Zero Goals. Leading financial institutions Standard Chartered Bank and SEB, both long-standing supporters of the carbon removal ecosystem, are excited to announce an expanded partnership with This collaboration aims to increase […]

Equinor and Ørsted make carbon removal agreement


In a new agreement, Ørsted will sell carbon dioxide removal (CDR) credits amounting to 330,000 tonnes of CO2 to Equinor over a ten-year period. This is part of Ørsted’s CO2 capture and storage project, ’Ørsted Kalundborg CO2 Hub’, which will capture 430,000 tonnes of biogenic CO2 annually from two of Ørsted’s biomass-fired CHP plants from 2026. The CO2 that is […]

Sysav och Polykemi tecknar avsiktsförklaring för permanenta minusutsläpp


Polykemi har tecknat en avsiktsförklaring med Sysav för framtida förvärv av negativa utsläppsverifikat från Sysavs planerade CCUS-anläggning i Malmö. Det innebär att Polykemi kan kompensera för utsläpp som är svåra att eliminera på andra sätt och visar hur regionala industrier kan samverka i klimatarbetet. Det skriver Sysav i ett pressmeddelande. Sysav planerar att införa CCUS-teknik […]

SAVE THE DATE for THE BioCCUS Conference 2025!

BioCCUS Conference

Save the Date! We are excited to announce that Klimpo’s next international conference, THE BioCCUS Conference, will take place on April 1-2, 2025, in Stockholm, Sweden, and online. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more updates! Interested in speaking or becoming a partner? Please contact Karolina Unger for more information. //The Klimpo-team

KLIMPO på plats under sommarens politikerveckor – Almedalsveckan och Arendalsuka!

Karolina Janneke

Sommaren är inte bara sol och härliga bad. Klimpo har även tagit del av vad både Almedalen och Arendalsuka erbjudit inom BioCCS under respektive politikervecka. Det har varit väldigt inspirerande att få tillfälle att träffa alla fantastiska BioCCS-vänner både i Sverige och Norge, diskutera hur den frivilliga marknaden och offentliga sektorns stöd kan påskynda utvecklingen av […]